🇫🇷 This article is only applicable to companies registered in France.
As you know, Qonto is a regulated financial institution. We are under the obligation to disclose to the competent authorities our customers who are US tax residents or tax residents of a country other than France. This is nothing to worry about and is merely an administrative formality.
Are you a US citizen or tax resident? Is your business taxable in the US?
Complete the form and send us your US Tax Identification Number or your company's US Tax ID number. This is the number you normally use for all your administrative and tax procedures. For individuals, this is the Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN). Find out more
For companies, you will find this number on your tax return. Please do not take too long in replying to this request. If you do not answer, and if you are a US tax resident, you may be liable to a flat-rate withholding tax of 30% on some of your US income in compliance with their regulations.
Are you or your company tax residents in a country other than France or the United States?
Complete the form and send us your Tax Identification Number or your company's Tax ID number, if you have one. You can find it on your tax return or your company’s tax return. Find out more
Please note that not all countries have a Tax Identification Number. If yours is one of these, stating the country of your tax residence or that of your company will suffice.
Is your company a Passive Non-Financial Entity (PNFE)?
If your tax residence or your company’s tax residence is based in the United States or in a country other than France, then you must inform us whether your company is a Passive Non-Financial Entity (PNFE).
What is a PNFE?
A PNFE is considered to be passive, when more than 50% of its income is said to be "passive" (dividends, rent, interest, capital gains, etc.) or when more than 50% of its assets generate passive income. For instance, this is the case of a family-owned property company, an asset management company or an investment fund.
Is one of the beneficial owners, in your passive PNFE company, a tax resident in the United States or in a country other than France?
Simply provide us with his or her surname, first name, date/place of birth, and tax ID number.
☝️ As a reminder, a beneficial owner is an individual who owns more than 25% of the capital, voting rights, or any other controlling power over a company.