The Qonto current account is currently available to French, Italian, Spanish and German companies formed with the following legal entities :
SA ('Société Anonyme')
SAS ('Société par Actions Simplifiée')
SASU ('Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle')
SARL ('Société à Responsabilité Limitée')
SC & SCI ('Société civile')
EURL ('Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée')
EIRL (Entreprise Individuelle à Responsabilité Limitée)
EI (Entreprise Individuelle)
Affaire Personnelle Profession Libérale (Independent occupations)
Micro-Entreprise (Sole Traders or Micro-Company)
Declared association ('Association Enregistrée')
Holding (an organization who owns control of a small group of other companies) - see below
S.s. (Società Semplice)
S.a.s. (Società in Accomandita Semplice)
S.n.c. (Società in Nome Collettivo)
S.r.l. (Società a responsabilità limitata)
S.r.l.s. (Società semplificata a responsabilità limitata)
S.p.A. (Società per Azioni)
S.a.p.a. (Società in Accomandita per Azioni)
Impresa Individuale (a K-bis is needed)
Libero Professionista and Lavoratore Autonomo
Studio associato e società di professionisti
Empresario Individual (Autónomo) / Autónomo Societario
Emprendedor de Responsabilidad Limitada
Entidades permanentes no residentes en España (NIF W)
Sociedad Anónima
Sociedad Anónima Laboral
Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada
Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada Laboral
Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa
Sociedad Limitada de Formación Sucesiva
Sociedad Colectiva
Sociedad Comanditaria por Acciones
Sociedad Comanditaria Simple
Sociedad Profesional
Sole traders (e.K./e.Kfm/e.Kfr)
GmbH i.G.
gGmbH i.G.
UG i.G.
gUG i.G.
AG & Co KG
GmbH & Co. KG
UG & Co. KG
GmbH & Co. oHG
AG & Co oHG
- PartG
Companies that are not yet registered (available in France and Germany only):
If your company is not registered yet, please note that you can open a Qonto account and proceed with your initial capital deposit with us (except for SCI).
As a reminder, sole traders, as well as micro-enterprises, are not required to go through a deposit capital process, since these organizations are already registered in their own name....
Foreign companies:
Foreign companies which are registered in France, Italy, Spain or Germany are allowed to open a Qonto account if the headquarter is based in one of those four countries.
Holding companies:
Existing French holding companies, both active or passive, are fully allowed to open a Qonto account 100% online, in a few minutes.
Prohibited activities on Qonto:
Companies primarily engaged in the following industries are not allowed to open a Qonto account :
Accessibility diagnosis (Ad'Ap)
Activities related to the sale of products based on cannabis or its derivatives (leaves, flowers, resin, CBD, HHC) with a THC content of more than 0.3% for the companies in France and 0.2% for the companies in Germany, Italy and Spain or not indicated.
Activities related to the mining industry
Activities related to Energy Efficiency Certificates (CEE)
Any illegal activity
Artwork Selling including facsimiles, auction houses
Cartomancy, fortune-telling, clairvoyance, astrology, tarology
Casinos and gambling
Factoring, Debt collection activities
Financial/fiscal agent activity if not registered with a regulator
Holding a marketplace
Insurance brokerage activity if not registered with an administration
Management of funds, portfolio, and collective investments if not registered with a regulatory authority.
Military activities, including the sale of weapons, military vehicles, and their copies
Mining, staking, creation and/or commercialization of NFTs, blockchain development, development of wallets (hot & cold wallets), decentralized exchange, PSAN activity without registration.
Money transfer platform, remittance service, P2P ("peer-to-peer" payment service)
Online and in-store sales of industrial or cosmetic chemicals.
Online and in-store sales of protein powders, dietary supplements, and medicines
Online file sharing
Sale of mobile SIM cards and top-up cards
Sex (pornography, sex toys, escorting, prostitution)
Sale of goods/services that may harm, or damage the image, honor, or reputation of others
Tobacco or smoking products (including THC, CBD, and eCig)
Trading/brokerage platform or any activity related to currencies, precious metals, gemstones, other products, securities
Crowdfunding platforms not registered as an ECSP - European Crowdfunding service provider (AMF license), marketplaces collecting funds on behalf of third parties, crowdlending