When you pay with your Qonto card, the merchant makes an authorization request to verify that you have the necessary funds in your account.
This authorization is usually for the full amount of your purchase (unless exceptions) and appears in your Qonto account history as a "processing" transaction.
Card transactions are usually confirmed by merchants within 2-3 days, so it may take that long to appear in your transaction history. Please note that the amount is blocked on your account but has not been debited.
☝️ Without confirmation from the merchant, the transaction can remain "processing" in your Qonto account history for up to 9 days.
After that time, the transaction will be automatically canceled by the system and will appear crossed out
Payment declined but displayed "processing" on my account
Your card transaction has been declined by the merchant however the transaction is displayed under "processing" on your account? Rest assured, this operation will not be debited!
The payment authorization is sent to the merchant to validate the transaction.
Sometimes, your payment is authorized by Qonto but the merchant does not receive confirmation due to interbank connexion issues.
The payment is then refused on the merchant’s terminal. If Qonto does not receive the information regarding the rectifying transaction, the transaction remains under "processing" on your account.
As per Mastercard rules, the displayed transaction will disappear from your account within maximum 9 days. Your balance will then be updated.